2017 Turkey Shoot

Sponsored by the Madison Lodge HI-12 Craft Club


 *** New Location ***
1570 State Rt. 38 NW. London, Ohio 43140

Starts at Noon

October - 15th - 22nd - 29th

November - 5th - 12th - 19th

For over 35 years the Craft Club has sponsored a Turkey Shoot to support Donations from Madison Lodge 221 Free & Accepted Masons to various West Jefferson organizations. Including the West Jefferson Schools Book Fair, Secret Santa for area children, Thanksgiving Dinners, The Food Pantry and Scholarships for West Jefferson High School students.

Thank you to all the shooters who come out each year to support this event and the West Jefferson local organizations.

A Special Thanks to EGA Defense, LLC Training Co. for donating a shooting area for this special event


OPEN SHOOT for shotguns // 12 & 20 Ga. Only // ALL AMMO PROVIDED



The following brethren have distinguished themselves outside of the Lodge in the District and other Masonic Bodies in Ohio.  We are thankful for their service and dedication to Masonry.

    District Deputies:
  • RWB Pat Comer (2022-current)
  • RWB Charles A. Dyer (2012-2014)
  • RWB John R. Hartsock (1998-2000)
  • RWB Ronald J. Weldy (1989-1991)
  • RWB William Monford Smith (1953-1955)
    District Education Officers:
  • WB Jeremy Graham (2020-2023)
  • RWB Pat Comer (2019-2022)
  • RWB R. Adam Wilson (2012-2015) - 19th District
  • RWB John R. Hartsock (1995-1997)
  • RWB Ronald J. Weldy (1986-1988)
  • WB Gary J. Sickles (1982-1983)
    District Presidents:
  • WB Jeremy Graham (2023)
  • RWB Charles A. Dyer (2012)
  • WB R. Adam Wilson (2012) - 19th District
  • WB Edgar A. Thompson II (2009)
  • RWB John R. Hartsock (1995)
  • WB Lyndall B. Mullins (1986)
     Other Masonic Bodies:
  • Ill. Kory W. Weldy33°
  • Ill. Kris A. Weldy 33°
  • Ill. Ronald J. Weldy 33°
  • John R. Hardsock, PDDGHP, KYCH
  • Ron Mullins, KYCH
Past MasterAs with any organization, the current leaders of the Lodge must rely on the events, history, and opinions of those that have gone before.  Listed here is the leadership of our history which provides the strong backbone of our lodge through today.

We thank them for their dedicated service to Madison Lodge, and overall devotion to our ancient craft.

2024 Chris Mann
2023 Chris Gibbs
2022 David Nunn, Jr.
2021 Doug Gerber
2020 Doug Gerber
2019 Pat Comer
2018 Siddartha Saran
2017 Joshua W. Beasley
2016 Joshua W. Beasley
2015 Paul A. Thompson *
2014 Cress W. Jenkins
2013 Donald Clark
2012 Charles A. Dyer, PDDGM
2011 Edgar A. Thompson II
2010 R. Adam Wilson
2009 Ron L. Mullins
2008 CJ Weldy
2007 Harold McFarland
2006 Edgar A. Thompson II
2005 Kurt Weldy
2004 John Mullins
2003 Harry Guynn *
2002 Kory Weldy
2001 Kris A. Weldy
2000 Charles R. Cochran *
1999 Charles L. Miller
1998 Charles R. Cochran *
1997 Irvin Thirtyacre, Jr. *
1996 Lloyd T. Cochran
1995 John Starkey *
1994 John Hartsock, PDEO, PDDGM
1993 Frank D. Hudson
1992 K. Gordon Dike
1991 Michael Krull *
1990 Ron Davis
1989 Flyod Munson *
1987 James E. McCoy *
1986 Gene Carter *
1985 Ronald J. Weldy, PDEO, PDDGM *
1984 Lyndall Mullins
1983 David A. Peters
1982 Greg W. Sickles
1981 Gary Sickles, PDEO
1980 Robert Eierman *
1979 Eugene McDonald *
1978 Tim E. Hay
1977 James H. Smith *
1976 Billy R. Cordial *
1975 David C. Fitzpatrick *
1974 Terrill Hay *
1973 Donald J. Hay
1972 David F. Ogilvie *
1970 Gary L. Hay
1969 George C. Campbell *
1968 Ralph L. Parsons, Jr.
1967 Robert L. Hillman *
1966 Vernon E. Winters *
1965 Wilber McGlaughlin *
1964 Louis E. Miller *
1963 George C. Lindsey
1962 Dennis Flora, Jr.
1961 Don Gene Graves *
1960 Hoyt Graves *
1959 George Cardosi *
1958 Charles G. George *
1957 Charles G. George *
1956 Clare McNutt *
1955 Donald E. Bidwell
1954 Ellis O. Chambers *
1953 George W. Baber
1952 Clarence J. Shook
1951 Frank L. Wilcox *
1950 Donald M. Strother *
1949 Wayne H. Biggert
1948 Harold Bidwell *
1947 Milliard F. Stillings *
1946 Charles P. Hay *
1945 Monford Smith, PDDGM *
1944 Harold Hyland
1943 Paul B. Holway
1942 Gerald Poulson
1942 William Lash
1941 W. J. Stormont
1940 Howard Frisbey
1939 J. Albot Clark
1938 Ralph E. Gillivan
1937 R. Glenn Bidwell
1936 W. M. Clark
1935 Homer Braithwaite *
1934 Harold B. Rader *
1933 John M. Palmer
1932 Russell I. Blauser *
1931 B. A. Sargent
1930 W. H. Dickinson
1929 James C. Kile *
1928 James C. Kile *
1927 Earl E. Gregg *
1926 Earl E. Gregg *
1925 Conklin Jackson
1924 Conklin Jackson
1923 Roy Wood
1922 Roy Wood
1921 L. C. Dick
1920 F. L. Olney *
1919 F. L. Olney *
1918 H. F. Jackson *
1917 F. G. Brown *
1916 Steven C. Smith *
1915 Steven C. Smith *
1914 Ashton A. Gregg *
1913 Ashton A. Gregg *
1912 E. W. Johnson *
1911 E. W. Johnson *
1910 L. E. Evan *
1909 L. E. Evan *
1908 Frank L. Wright *
1907 C. S. Duff *
1906 H. F. Jackson *
1905 Clinton H. Davis *
1904 A. F. Green *
1903 A. F. Green *
1902 H. F. Jackson *
1901 Clinton H. Davis *
1900 L. F. Scofeld *
1899 J. C. Plimell *
1898 J. C. Plimell *
1897 W. E. Polstle *
1896 W. E. Polstle *
1895 Finis High *
1894 Finis High *
1893 John H. Bidwell *
1892 John H. Bidwell *
1891 Z. R. Taylor *
1890 Z. R. Taylor *
1889 Martin V. High *
1888 Martin V. High *
1887 T. J. Stutson *
1886 T. J. Stutson *
1885 T. J. Stutson *
1884 T. J. Stutson *
1883 T. J. Stutson *
1882 T. J. Stutson *
1881 T. J. Stutson *
1880 T. J. Stutson *
1879 T. J. Stutson *
1878 T. J. Stutson *
1877 M. W. Stutson *
1876 T. J. Stutson *
1875 T. J. Stutson *
1874 T. J. Stutson *
1873 T. J. Stutson *
1872 T. J. Stutson *
1871 T. J. Stutson *
1870 Alexander Swantson *
1869 T. J. Stutson *
1868 T. J. Stutson *
1867 T. J. Stutson *
1866 T. J. Stutson *
1865 T. J. Stutson *
1864 T. J. Stutson *
1863 T. J. Stutson *
1862 T. J. Stutson *
1861 T. J. Stutson *
1860 T. J. Stutson *
1859 T. J. Stutson *
1858 T. J. Stutson *
1857 T. J. Stutson *
1856 T. J. Stutson *
1855 T. J. Stutson *
1854 O. P. Crabbe *
1853 Benjamin Crabbe *
1852 Benjamin Crabbe *
1851 Benjamin Crabbe *
* Deceased

Sprig of AcciaThis page is dedicated to members of Madison Lodge who have laid there working tools to rest and have traveled to that house not made of hands, eternal in the heavens.


Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in his infinite wisdom, to remove from amongst us our esteemed Brother and Fellow member:
  • Ronald J. Weldy, Who passed from this life November 25th, 2007
  • Valrods E. Neilands, Who passed from this life February 15th, 2009
  • Kelly L. Rankin, Who passed from this life August 9th, 2009
  • Carl J. Prater, Who passed from this life April 23rd, 2010
  • Dewey Copley Jr., Who passed from this life June 17th, 2010
  • James A. Cunliff, Who passed from this life August 21st, 2010
  • Charlie. W. Cochran, Who passed from this life September 30th, 2010


Whereas, The life that made our association with him pleasant is at an end, and the gates are closed upon our further intercourse; and

Whereas, By his many ennobling traits of character he had endeared himself to us, and in his career has left an example to his friends and fellow members; and,

Whereas, Those manly qualifications which he passed influence us in a sincere desire to testify to an appreciation of his life amongst us; be it therefore

Resolved, That in the death of, Our Brother, Who was a member of Madison Lodge No. 221 Free and Accepted Masons, we sincerely deplore the loss of one to whom we had become affectionately attached by long association and by relations which were never marred by the least occurrence of an unfriendly act.

Farewell Good and Faithful Servant...
The Officers of Madison Lodge No. 221 would like to thank you for visiting our website.  Please feel free to make time to join us at one of our stated meeting or special events this year.
Worshipful Master - WB Chris Mann
Senior Warden - WB Jim Badgley
Junior Warden - Ben Morgan
Secretary -RWB Pat Comer
Assistant Secretary -WB Chris Gibbs
Treasurer -WB Chris Gibbs
Chaplain - WB Lyndall V. Mullins
Senior Deacon -  WB Ron Mullins
Junior Deacon - Kyle Gilliam
Senior Steward - WB Jeremy Graham
Junior Steward - Open
LEO - WB Jeremy Graham
Tyler - Ernest Sink
Marshall - Open
Trustee 5 year - WB Chris Gibbs
Trustee 4 year - WB David Nunn, Jr.
Trustee 3 year - WB Doug Gerber
Trustee 2 year - WB Pat Comer
Trustee 1 Year - WB Siddhartha Saran

Upcoming Events

Stated Meeting
  January 27th 7:00pm
  MM Degree

Urania 311 Inspection FC
  January 28th 7:00pm
  No Meal

New Carlisle 100 Inspection MM
  February 8th 9am
  Breakfast 7:30am

Mechanicsburg 113 Inspection FC
  February 8th 7pm
  Meal 6pm

Stated Meeting
  February 10th 7:30pm

Fielding 192 Inspection EA
  February 22nd 7pm
  Meal 6pm

Stated Meeting
  February 24th 7:30pm
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